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Our Care Ministry Teams exist for the purpose of extending the compassion of Jesus Christ to those who are in the midst of emotional, spiritual and physical needs, with guidance, encouragement, and practical help.


We meet every Wednesday night at 7pm upstairs in the Multi-purpose room. This is a biblical and  balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. For more information or to register, click here.


Our Grief Recovery Ministry Team exists for the purpose of extending the compassion of Jesus Christ to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. By offering an Adult Grief Recovery Support Group, GriefShare, we do our best to help anyone with their personal journey through the grieving process. 

This ministry incorporates a 13 week series, along with group discussion to tackle those very difficult questions one may have about the loss of their loved one. This group meets each week to provide support to one another while walking through their journey from Mourning to Joy.  

For more information, Click Here.


Our Visitation Ministry Team exists for the purpose of extending the compassion of Jesus Christ to those who are hospitalized or confined in their homes. If you would like to request a visit from one of our team members, please call us during office hours at  (714) 701-1818 or email The Cornerstone Church. The Visitation Ministry Team will be notified and a visit will be scheduled by a Team member. 

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​Find us: 

4905 E. La Palma Ave.

Anaheim, CA 92807

​Service Times: 

Sundays at 9 & 10:45am and Wednesdays at 7pm

Servicios en Español Domingos a las 10:45am y Miercoles a las 7pm

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