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Adopt a Block - Throughout the year this ministry team will reach out to different neighborhoods to serve them. Teams go out to pray and invite neighborhoods to church or to a special event planned for their community.

Baby Dedications - Baby Dedication is about a commitment to put God first in your home and to trust in Him as your source of direction as you lead your family and parent your child. It is also a time for you and your spouse to share with your closest friends and family what is most important to you and to ask them for their prayer support and presence at the Dedication. Click here for more information or to register for baby dedication.

Baptisms - Baptism is an important step in your journey as a follower of Christ and an outward symbol of the work He has already done in your life. The Bible paints a beautiful picture of baptism as our identification with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection. When you make the decision to accept Christ as your Savior, the Bible says that your old way of life is dead, and you are beginning a new life with Christ. Click here to go to our Baptism page.

CAPA (Cornerstone Academy of Performing Arts) - CAPA is a faith-based performing arts academy founded here at the Cornerstone Church.  Our Dance, Music and Voice programs are now in session!  Our vision is to have a full arts academy that will one day include theater, film, and more! Click here to go to our CAPA page.

Celebrate Recovery - This is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. We meet every Wednesday night.

Classes - We offer classes throughout the year including but not limited to: pre-marital classes, Deeper courses, Discover Your Church, and more. Check our events calendar for updates on classes offered.

GriefShare - Our Grief Recovery Ministry Team exists for the purpose of extending the compassion of Jesus Christ to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. By offering an Adult Grief Recovery Support Group, GriefShare, we do our best to help anyone with their personal journey through the grieving process. Click here to register.

Heavens Armor - a Christian based, Mixed Martial Arts ministry that is available to both children and adults. Classes are Christ-centered, teaching physical and spiritual disciplines.

Independence Christian School - Preschool-8th Grade - Our mission is to teach and train students with a Biblical world view, promoting wise decisions and life long, God-honoring, service. Click here to go to our school's page.

Integrity Christian School - For home educating families - It is the goal of Integrity to equip families with a Christ Centered Education to live an abundant Christian life with purity, holiness, and integrity. Click here to go to our school's page.

Marriage Ministry - Providing hands-on marriage resources that make a real difference in the lives and marriages of couples today.  Pre-martial classes/counseling are also offered twice a year, in the spring and fall.

Membership - Discover Your Church is a very important step for everyone who considers the Cornerstone their church or who might be interested learning more about us. In the class, Pastor Rick shares our history, mission, vision, beliefs and leadership commitment. Click here for more information about our next DYC session.

Men's Ministry - The Cornerstone Men’s Ministries (CMM) is a place to ignite and unite men towards strong integrity, humility, leadership, worship and passion for a relationship with our creator. Click here to go to our Men's Ministry page.

Missions Press - Foursquare Missions Press resources Missionaries and Christian workers throughout the world with Gospel literature, free of charge. Since 1981 they have sent over 170,000,000 tracts to more than 110 countries in 52 different languages. Operating with the generous donations of individuals and churches, FMP continues to be committed to worldwide interdenominational evangelism, and producing culturally effective Gospel materials.

Senior Adult Ministries

Our Young at Heart ministry is designed to encourage people who are at a retirement age, (60+) to participate in activities that cultivate spiritual growth, connect with others, participate in ministry of helps and give support in all church evangelistic events.

Hospital Visitation Ministry - Our Visitation Ministry Team exists for the purpose of extending the compassion of Jesus Christ to those who are hospitalized or confined in their homes. If you would like to request a visit from one of our team members, please call us during office hours at  (714) 701-1818 or email The Cornerstone Church. The Visitation Ministry Team will be notified and a visit will be scheduled by a Team member. 

Women's Ministry - A place to connect to God through His Word and grow in relationship with other women. God created us to live in relationship – to Him and to each other. Click here to go to our Women's Ministry page.

Worship Ministry - Our services feature lively contemporary music which paves the way for a practical and relevant Bible-based message. They are designed to help participants of all ages and spiritual levels draw closer to God.

Young Adults - Axiom - A community of believers with the goal to strengthen our relationship with Christ, with one another, and the community by offering spiritual, social, and outreach opportunities... Click here to go to our Axiom Ministry page.

Youth - United4One - Teaching, groups and opportunities for youth to connect and grow closer to each other & grow closer to God. Click here to go to our Youth Ministry page.

​​Call us:


​Find us: 

4905 E. La Palma Ave.

Anaheim, CA 92807

​Service Times: 

Sundays at 9 & 10:45am and Wednesdays at 7pm

Servicios en Español Domingos a las 10:45am y Miercoles a las 7pm

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